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Just a girl in her 30's who likes to cook, and loves her sausage dog, who is a bit of a Princess.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Homemade Face Masks

Don't get me wrong, I love my lotions and potions, and have shelves screaming under the pressure of all the products I spend all my hard earned cash on. BUT, sometimes, I like to use something a bit more natural, and these are all very easy on the purse too!

Honey and Milk face mask:

Mix 1 tbsp full fat milk with 1 tbsp honey. apply to face and neck, wipe off with a warm damp flannel after 10 mins. Great for dry skin.

Lemon and sugar face scrub:

Mix 1 tbsp granulated or caster sugar with 2 tbsp lemon juice. Apply to face in gentle, circular motions with a cotton wool ball, and rinse with water. Good for removing dry skin patches!

Honey and Aspirin Mask:

Dissolve 2 dissolvable aspirin in 1tsp water. Once dissolved mix with 1tsp honey. Apply to face for 5-10 mins, and rinse off with a flannel. Will be slightly grainy and therefore exfoliate gently, but also the acid in the aspirin is great for breakouts and clearing acne, and the honey soothes and moisturises.

Obviously I have used these all on MY SKIN, and they are all fine FOR ME. If you are irritated at all by any of these then rinse off and do not use again!! Try a small test area first!

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